wouldn’t you like to know SCORE 25

snail cat SCORE 10

time is an illusion SCORE -2

catchy song SCORE 6

take a seat, this is gonna take awhile SCORE 33

and now so do i SCORE 11

he’s so proud! SCORE 34

i know all the good jams SCORE 19

oh god please no SCORE 19

i knew it! SCORE 19

too much? SCORE 16

how a majority of bacon thefts occur SCORE 15

literally anything SCORE 10

when he retires from being an avenger he has a backup career SCORE 17

let me put my frog statue where i want! SCORE 25

taco Tuesday eve SCORE 10

awoo SCORE 11

a simple request SCORE 25

reach for the sky SCORE 30

just don’t SCORE 7

see you next spooky season! SCORE 21

why are they so difficult? SCORE 13

tethla SCORE 11

please explain why you did what you did SCORE 13

i don’t remember this episode, either SCORE 11

i’m not a doctor SCORE 21

you’ve been lied to this whole time SCORE 12

i relate to this so much SCORE 8

please feed me SCORE 16

they now own a business together SCORE 20

we were trained for skynet’s impending takeover SCORE 23

living the dream SCORE 16