*when you think your cramps are finished but then…* SCORE 138

"Sorry to BEE of any bother to you." SCORE 15

Now this is a wedding cake SCORE 115

Saw this at a church in Florida SCORE 6

Poor Reek SCORE 8

We Need To Fund This SCORE 173

63 years SCORE 167

Transition SCORE 10

Roses are like the color red SCORE 185

Baby gibbon SCORE 9

Tell Me Why I Never Heard About This SCORE 256

Making some Aussie friends SCORE 133

This Must Be Hard For Harry SCORE 150

Biggest mistake she has ever made SCORE 163

OG Wrapper SCORE 159

Always call with this news SCORE 224

This is amazing SCORE 167

NO TIPPING – I wish every restaurant was like this. SCORE 171

The Right Way Of Asking Someone Out SCORE 109

The sound of popcorn in the microwave SCORE 136

One Happy Dog SCORE 9

Military jeep in a crate SCORE 96

Relevant since school just started SCORE 179

For Leo SCORE 277

The real Subway spokesman SCORE 11

I put paws in yours. SCORE 9

Fingers Ready For A Ring SCORE 131

Rhino helping a baby zebra out of the mud SCORE 149

Who Wants Some Cookies…Oh SCORE 6

One-Way Windows SCORE 209

Seriously… Go Socialize Somewhere Else SCORE 13

Dual Wedding Cake SCORE 15