a fork in the road SCORE 17

choose your character SCORE 19

monty python and the hella groove SCORE 23

pragmatic purchases SCORE 7

man, walmart sells everything! SCORE 10

true love’s hiss SCORE 19

mob mentality SCORE 10

the ultimate 2023 christmas tree guide SCORE 19

putting the fantasy in a fantasy setting SCORE 29

recorded history SCORE 4

like my new desk mat? SCORE -1

fish are friends…and food SCORE 6

the size of the moon is bananas! SCORE 19

sublime sanguine sipping SCORE 17

putting the “toil” in “toilet” SCORE 14

the weight of stress SCORE 26

send noodles SCORE 15

they give me the herbie-jeebies SCORE 18

you gotta be kiddin me SCORE 25

lara croft: moon raider SCORE 24

am i right, chat? SCORE 8

they weren’t lion! SCORE 26

please do do not not block block gate gate SCORE 8

so that’s what that song is about SCORE 30

spaced out SCORE 10

doggy day care SCORE 21

teenage turmoil SCORE 10

this should be in the diabetes ward! SCORE 9

helpful sign SCORE 13

the santa clause SCORE 31

prioriteasing SCORE 15

flatterpus SCORE 35