When u can’t play with legos anymore SCORE 101
Why Was Five Afraid Of Seven? SCORE 84
You’re welcome SCORE 67
Glitch rugs by Faig Ahmed SCORE 149
Life’s offerings SCORE 112
A fox and a hound SCORE 165
A new child day care centre asked if I could metal detect the bark chip play area for sharps before they opened SCORE 155
Walking the dog and found this on the ground. Where the hell am I? SCORE 94
Bathroom with glass floor over abandoned elevator shaft SCORE 83
Happy thoughts… SCORE 139
Dog and child SCORE 173
The Best Brofist in Gaming History (xpost /r/gifs SCORE 115
Dad joke SCORE 93
Best show SCORE 125
The Marvel fandom isn’t taking it well SCORE 56
Metal detecting is serious business SCORE 113
Homemade Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Teacups. SCORE 135
Hi, Welcome To Mcgoth SCORE 132
You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by… SCORE 150
In The Prison We Milked Cats For Sustenance SCORE 52
well, that’s rude SCORE 118
Andy trying to become a cop. SCORE 196
Kuzco makes a fierce entrance! SCORE 127
The Flatirons in Boulder, Colorado SCORE 141
A really smart lab that is a failed service dog SCORE 178
Rub my belly? SCORE 138
the science of licking SCORE 196
Skaters stop attempted rape of 15 year-old. SCORE 345
Merging her face with a book cover SCORE 136
Seems simple enough… SCORE 144
When you want to avoid copyright law, but can’t think of a better term for assassin SCORE 118
One day, the office smells a little like the ocean. The next day, this appears on the microwave. SCORE 140