…Nickels! SCORE 70
you could pinch my cheeks, if you wanted to… SCORE 13
The sheer girth of this bird persons bird… SCORE 42
I earned this… SCORE 47
Best news Ive heard all day. SCORE 39
How to sell a cucumber. SCORE 41
I, for one, welcome our new drone overlords… SCORE 33
A poem of blood lust. SCORE 29
Snip snap! Snip snap! SCORE 39
Tiger versus mud SCORE 47
Why posties go postal. SCORE 27
Please stop destroying the loo… SCORE 30
*spits venom* SCORE 37
*risky click* SCORE 32
We got the treat! SCORE 25
It was worth a try anyway. SCORE 57
The age of sin seems nice… SCORE 47
Anything is a corral if you try hard enough. SCORE 74
Terminate the hate. SCORE 80
I did not see that coming… SCORE 36
Two feet of snow, roughly. SCORE 45
IKEA sells a chocolate build-a-moose kit, allegedly. SCORE 43
Its gods real estate, really. SCORE 19
Magical Pi Bush!! SCORE 48
Art is delicious… – Dog, probably. SCORE 19
bulbasaur around the world. SCORE 46
Happy jumper boys. SCORE 22
Sleep sweet, civil servants. SCORE 77
This is fine… SCORE 31
Ok but now theres a restraining order involved… SCORE 36
Gato knows your location… SCORE 32
He will make a great father, someday. SCORE 53