a new type of chicken ball SCORE 30
juxtapositionship SCORE 9
well this is foreboding SCORE 7
master mather SCORE 31
counting on corvids SCORE 17
beating the boss of gmail SCORE 21
adding the pop to your tart SCORE 1
the testing of resting SCORE 11
a better green lantern SCORE 23
a taxing weight to bear SCORE 29
i have a feeling this happens often… SCORE 29
hippo lessos SCORE 17
and the papers want to know who’s shirt you wear SCORE 27
looks like meat’s back on the menu boys SCORE 13
forced fraternization SCORE 22
unanticipasta’d definition SCORE 11
text affext SCORE 19
booking dates SCORE 35
I too, would be a hamburger helper SCORE 11
we got a 2319! SCORE 13
horses are weird SCORE 25
they’ve ruined snow days SCORE 26
stolen meme SCORE 5
it all adds up… SCORE 9
this year in a nutshell SCORE 20
echolocation relation SCORE 20
from geico to geicool SCORE 13
pretend professional SCORE 25
beanie beaner SCORE 10
man, i thought i was in a corridor SCORE 12
feline fine SCORE 17
women have it so hard :( SCORE 15