Tu es un cheval? SCORE 41

Early morning crushing. SCORE 21

You got the wrong kind of dog, brother. SCORE 32

Two truths, no lie. SCORE 36

talk about it. SCORE 36

Blockbuster rises to the occasion. SCORE 29

Asking the Questions SCORE 30

Master of twigs. SCORE 23

*smack* SCORE 22

Christmas 2021 is gonna be lit. SCORE 18

The gato is up to something… SCORE 22

Children’s literature is nice, typically. SCORE 29

Heed the hellpanthers. SCORE 30

Inspired by Mary Poppins SCORE 29

At least she tried to cheer me up… SCORE 21

T-rex in time SCORE 32

I’ll take a 12 pack, plox. SCORE 27

thanks i’ll take a handful. SCORE 19

Bing bong the Britney is dead… SCORE 39

This news is good news. SCORE 34

Kylo Ren in his awkward teens. SCORE 11

Now you got it, child. SCORE 31

Won’t somebody please think of the Corporations?! SCORE 33

YIP 101 SCORE 27

I want the job of subtitle guardian. SCORE 18

Pass the spicy brown ketchup please. SCORE 26

Pokémon in the 90’s had a simpler vibe to it. SCORE 22

Be something for every one. SCORE 32

The hole lines up perfectly. SCORE 24

I don’t need you, robut. SCORE 29

The aerodynamics are spot on. SCORE 28

This is what federal prison is for… SCORE 23