If You Love Something SCORE 10

Granny Diving SCORE -12

My bedtime routine SCORE 14

Reasonable Response SCORE 14

I think I found a new doctor SCORE 15

The Awesome Margaret Hamilton SCORE 235

The Easiest Way To A Man’s Heart SCORE 129

Wearing Glasses for the first time SCORE 11

this panda is either cute or terrified SCORE 9

But Why Did I Not Notice This Before? SCORE 14

Notes In Class SCORE 148

Some Call Me An Impulse Buyer SCORE 15

When You Put An Ikea Print In A Modern Art Museum SCORE 142

A Tiny Cactus SCORE 129

Ten minutes of internal screaming for The Last Airbender SCORE 160

What Is That? Oh No It’s Bananas! SCORE 6

Scrubba dub dub SCORE 130

Apparently I Chose The Wrong Career SCORE 6

The struggle is real SCORE 15

At Least They’re Trying SCORE 126

Meanwhile on tinder SCORE 146

What I wish I could say during interviews SCORE 138

The saddest face swap SCORE 138

Snowboarder has no idea she’s being chased by a bear SCORE 144

Pretty accurate depiction on how fandoms work. SCORE 160

The Perfect Salad SCORE 9

Everyone’s favorite guessing game SCORE 160

A Buttload SCORE 133

Cheer up! SCORE 137

Here’s The Problem With Math Tests SCORE 15

Bohemian Rhapsody SCORE 153

I can totally relate to this SCORE 118