Aircat to base, requesting permission to land… SCORE 13
Nature Valley granola bars. SCORE 243
My reaction to spicy food, too. SCORE 16
Famous failures. SCORE 187
I didn’t see you at camouflage practice today SCORE 23
Are you a carbon sample? SCORE 170
Imposter! SCORE 9
What the fox? SCORE 11
Meanwhile, in Texas. SCORE 16
I have done nothing at all SCORE 17
What kind of sorcery is this? SCORE 138
0mg SCORE 13
Subway in Stockholm, Sweden SCORE 13
Why I love fall. SCORE 258
Trollololo SCORE 248
Server’s RW she finds out that she just got tipped $200 SCORE 275
Faith in Humanity restored. SCORE 393
My recipe is on the Starbucks Secret Menu!! SCORE 5
Well, I’m not sure what I was expecting… SCORE 224
Are you at a Hipster Wedding? SCORE 10
My response to Twihards. SCORE 329
Cat-holic meeting. SCORE 22
Did you know? SCORE 293
Disney, Meet Grumpy Cat SCORE 7
Reasons why you’re awesome. SCORE 126
Elijah Radcliff or Daniel Wood? SCORE 35
Swagspeare. SCORE 134
Witchcraft starter kit. SCORE 171
Hiiiyaa *boop* SCORE 15
Six Degrees SCORE 15
When I get too rotund I roll everywhere… SCORE 9
Nicolas Cage finally turns down a roll SCORE 25