well, someone’s gotta lift the logs SCORE 12

purebread SCORE 20

missing key info SCORE 12

the secret formula SCORE 10

sweet, sweet, sashimi SCORE 23

neverending ending SCORE 22

big fact SCORE 15

blockbusted SCORE 18

carrying (the team) pigeon SCORE 28

witch sit-ch SCORE 39

restless resting SCORE 17

freezer squeezer SCORE -8

a beautiful baby b–ohmygod what is that SCORE 19

beauty (sleep) and the beast SCORE 14

hip-hoppip SCORE 25

something ain’t sprite… SCORE 6

Generational Positional Shudders SCORE 23

team (mentos) rocket SCORE 20

a fishy business SCORE 17

muscle puzzle SCORE 25

dialed child SCORE 18

burger branding SCORE 24

honorable intentions SCORE 36

laborastory SCORE 31

workforced SCORE 9

generation appropriation SCORE 10

bruce wayne loose pain SCORE 19

dutiful doggy SCORE 21

the feep end SCORE 21

missed carriage SCORE 11

knowsdive SCORE 13

in shift shape SCORE 16