We’re rich! SCORE 22

Sarah York didn’t know how right she was… SCORE 24

Dogs whom text back. SCORE 26

…and here we go. SCORE 23

Aikido! SCORE 28

Uno Reverse Card SCORE 21

Sheep are pretty handy. SCORE 21

Spooktober! SCORE 27

I’m mildly intrigued. SCORE 39

You are surrounded by beauty. SCORE 24

Right in the kisser! SCORE 21

My Assistant to the Regional Manager SCORE 23

Wait a minute… SCORE 17

She’s called Frank the Tank. SCORE 27

So here we are… SCORE 22

Whom Framed Roger Rabbit cosplay SCORE 30

Horse Fingers go clomp. SCORE 18

Beat that thing, boy. SCORE 29

Road is road in everywhere else. SCORE 33

Giant Sequoias (human for scale). SCORE 28

Medium sized Alaskan native. SCORE 29

Accurate relationships. SCORE 28

Now hold on just a minute here… SCORE 19

And that’s just the thing about spinach. SCORE 23

Careful with them damn elves. SCORE 33

Just dropped off my ballot. Good luck, Kanye! – Conan, probably. SCORE 20

Predictable, really. SCORE 30

It’s always funny the 14th time SCORE 25

We still rollin’ boo. SCORE 22

The Supernatural was ahead of the curve. SCORE 34

Forbidden rock candy. SCORE 24

It’s not for you, kid. SCORE 17