And my muffler… SCORE 29

Yeah that seems like a dress women want. SCORE 19

Look for the incentives. SCORE 27

*acknowledged* SCORE 18

Read more Billy Shakespeare SCORE 18


Unknow this thing. SCORE 24

Big gulp. SCORE 22

When you run out of fks to give. SCORE 33

Dogfish seen hunting near crowded beaches… SCORE 21

Behold, My Dairy Queen SCORE 23

And what of the bearded women? SCORE 23

Dogfish in their natural habitat. SCORE 24

Humvee bloody humvee. SCORE 32

Faretheewell…. SCORE 25

Thanks, I love it SCORE 26

Grans who give. SCORE 23

We are easy to please. SCORE 25

Preferably somewhere the lobster is fresh. SCORE 23

Moose did like his pipe… SCORE 20

*eats a hot pocket* SCORE 33

Not quite toothless SCORE 25

I did not see that coming… SCORE 26

The doges are shifting. SCORE 34

Nature is healing…? SCORE 25

Timelines are hard… SCORE 25

Where have I seen that face before… SCORE 14

What am I missing? SCORE 29

The game is being played. SCORE 22

Beware the Cawl! SCORE 20

Incognito mode activated. SCORE 33