Sundae season. SCORE 8
What do you mean I needs glasses? SCORE 121
Avenger Time. SCORE 79
What did Apple really invent? SCORE 182
Row, row, row your barge, gently down the stream… SCORE 260
Korean cuisine. SCORE -1
Da Fast and da Furryest. SCORE 154
Thanks Disneyland? SCORE 103
Eat whatever you want… SCORE 184
Grumpy Cat is now my new idol SCORE -3
cartoon logic SCORE 8
I love you. SCORE 268
You know nothing Jon Snow SCORE 61
How relationships work. SCORE 184
Every pet ever SCORE 174
Sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses. SCORE 86
Sometimes you need to talk to a two year old… SCORE 279
Parking… SCORE -3
Doctor Who Peanuts SCORE 8
This is by my gym’s bathrooms. SCORE 195
The trick to chopping onions. SCORE 222
How to win a fight. SCORE 204
So close. SCORE 108
Summer time ice cream. SCORE 6
Words SCORE 19
Family reunions. SCORE 252
Witty insults from famous people. SCORE 317
This is sick… SCORE 121
By the power of baby! SCORE 325
Diabeetus, you’re doing it right. SCORE 251
Robbing a movie theater. SCORE 326