Data or data SCORE 14
Confessions of a shopaholic SCORE 6
Isn't she the luckiest person alive? SCORE 147
Valid point. SCORE 8
33 Celebrities Who Share The Same Face SCORE 5
Best political sign yet! SCORE 192
Perfect Dinosaur Cookies SCORE 12
Adele concerts SCORE 16
When You Finally Catch Up SCORE 155
I love both bound and electronic books SCORE 19
Hipster cat SCORE 2
Kitties In Boxes SCORE 12
It just can't happen SCORE 9
Because for science SCORE 11
Behold! The luckiest charm! SCORE 156
He Looks Exactly Like Butt-Head SCORE 12
Do it. SCORE 3
Wtf, Michigan? SCORE 182
Magnificent Climbing Wall SCORE 136
Pharmacy life SCORE 11
Crazy cat lady for lyfeeeeee SCORE 7
Drunk stories SCORE 191
The future has arrived SCORE 116
This made my day SCORE 163
Family Feud. Lather, rinse, repeat. SCORE 172
This Could Be Us, You Know SCORE 7
Always SCORE 6
me everyday SCORE 14
Sounds about right SCORE 141
Pharmacy probs SCORE -1
I do this too often tbh SCORE 147
Finally Someone Acknowledged The Truth SCORE 124