that’s pretty nuts SCORE 32

wait, that wasn’t supposed to happen SCORE 17

*numbness intensifies* SCORE 11

pretty sure this is perfectly accurate SCORE 33

title upgrades SCORE 9

every time, without fail SCORE 25

it will be my magnum opus SCORE 30

Y2K, 2008, 2012, and thats all from the younger years… SCORE 22

100% of the time 60% of the time SCORE 18

i swear it just goes invisible SCORE 15

not to mention the prices SCORE 12

all pac’d and ready to go SCORE 13

let’s turn that fly into a walk… SCORE 21

mhmm, yes, go on… SCORE 16

truly, an inspiration to us all SCORE 17

the hero we need SCORE 27

something tells me the seller is lying SCORE 13

sounds about right SCORE 22

when games do this… SCORE 25

perfection SCORE 21

oh that helps me understand that so much better, now SCORE 11
oh ho ho, tah ah dan ‘meme’ SCORE -15

the right choice SCORE 23

but i did everything right! SCORE 12

nothing like $4 zoo water SCORE 5

i (don’t) see what you did there SCORE 21

parched? dehydrated? SCORE 11

it’s too good to be true SCORE 31

something seems a tad off SCORE 8

a cut above the rest SCORE 13

clear as day SCORE 20

a founding father has come back SCORE 7