When packaging gets clever. SCORE 393

Attempted noms. SCORE 148

5 uses for a trembling chihuahua. SCORE 122

That’s rough. SCORE 193

The power of facial hair. SCORE 143

How I think I look winking vs. How I actually look. SCORE 179

Pizza. SCORE 177

Bookshelf art. SCORE 257

We need to get inside the Ministry. SCORE 200

Wanna play a game? SCORE 152

Definitely not kosher. SCORE 117

Tipping etiquette around the world. SCORE 100

Procatstination. SCORE 99

The adventures of Santa Claus. SCORE -36

Help me Obi Wan Kanobi you’re my only hope. SCORE 143

:) SCORE 9

What do you call primary school in America? SCORE 306

Painfully accurate. SCORE 255

Modern day Mona Lisa. SCORE 53

Good Body SCORE 151

A tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep. SCORE 154

The life of Dora the Explorer. SCORE 130

Bonk. SCORE 138

The knights who say “Ni!” SCORE 202

How cars are crash tested in ‘Murica. SCORE 71

Every time I get my hair cut. SCORE 139

There is a person out there for everyone. SCORE 146

Be Remarkable SCORE 166

Cruel reality. SCORE 256

Because, reasons. SCORE 34

Apples and Bananas SCORE 69

When moths attack. SCORE 235