one-n-done SCORE 14

eggxacting your point SCORE 18

model pet SCORE 28

cash cabby SCORE 42

maidenless & nameless SCORE 35

checking out SCORE 12

self gratification SCORE 11

getting porked SCORE 7

bagging you to stop SCORE 41

okay so, ready SCORE 23

tote-ally hot! SCORE 16

a work (s)tory SCORE 19

a sinking feeling… SCORE 8

room for (s)improvement SCORE 9

florida…man… SCORE 33

that’s gas, man SCORE 21

the wonder of whimsy SCORE 15

holding you accounterable SCORE 7

aggressive com(ap)pliance SCORE 19

browser wowsers SCORE 22

cheesy pleasy SCORE 16

hamburger helper SCORE 19

getting saucy SCORE 15

parent trap SCORE 10

spice of life SCORE 15

getting tacomfortable SCORE 20

self aware SCORE 18

steamrolled SCORE 11

absen-tea SCORE 13

card of hearing SCORE 10

die-a-log SCORE 23

choose wisely SCORE 20