elite toast SCORE 19
who wants to try this diet with me? SCORE 19
’tis the season SCORE 24
we’ll send you a bill via mail, bye! SCORE 21
forever air freshener SCORE 29
officer skittles reporting for duty SCORE 27
the next terminator movie looks like they gave up entirely SCORE 22
looks unsafe SCORE 37
the fourth sister SCORE 6
i pretend i’m blind in public to avoid talking to people SCORE 29
oddly profound SCORE 18
do you remember where you were SCORE 26
be like baby llama SCORE 17
smells like teen school dinners. funal answer SCORE 9
category 5 purring event SCORE 47
thankful for chonky raccoons SCORE 17
species and age? SCORE 31
please repeat yourself SCORE 22
adds so much emphasis SCORE 22
it’s complicated SCORE 15
the machines were right SCORE 42
so many days lost SCORE 30
i want a black belt in baking SCORE 35
our time to bite! SCORE 10
are humans just trash cans? SCORE 26
business markie SCORE 4
break from tradition. eat pizza for breakfast SCORE 27
and you’ll love them for their honesty SCORE 23
oliver is a british cat SCORE 31
pre-coffee demon SCORE 7
new life motto SCORE 24
just try it on, once. what’s the worst that could happen? SCORE 32