if i fats, I sats SCORE 6
pouring it on sweet SCORE 16
secret juice SCORE 22
tooth scary SCORE 14
I s-pie SCORE 26
gummy bearings SCORE 14
gamer’s gate SCORE 20
sucky situation SCORE 10
hugging a prick SCORE 11
late hate SCORE 13
“free-falling savings” SCORE 5
taking a look around SCORE 9
getting fit SCORE 5
that’s the sh!t right there SCORE 20
tree-ted right SCORE 15
losernames SCORE 17
meating expectations SCORE -3
girls just want to date axeholes SCORE 12
hot beats SCORE 12
cereal killer SCORE -49
feel like a monster SCORE 6
toe-ing the line SCORE 12
rolling out SCORE -29
grain of wisdom SCORE -24
driven mad SCORE 14
calamity of mammary SCORE 10
human (re)sources of pain SCORE 19
going vape SCORE 3
peer repew SCORE 5
clean sin SCORE -21
padmeme amemedala SCORE 0