Bachelor Pad SCORE 10

Pure Photography Lies SCORE 12

Whenever I Visit My Grandparents SCORE 17

Cute! SCORE 15

A bold strategy SCORE 167

Church extreme makeover SCORE 1

They think he’s a cow SCORE 14

Sometimes its hard to tell where that button isn't. SCORE 15

I don’t always get packages from my father but when I do… SCORE 144

Corny But Funny Two Line Puns SCORE 14

Trying to silently click pen SCORE 17

My spirit animal SCORE 8

Really cool minimalistic shower SCORE 5

The True And Sad Story Of My Life SCORE 4

Adulting Problems SCORE 10

Sometimes Silence Is Way Better SCORE 12

This Guy Is Breaking All The Rules At Once SCORE 17

My sister’s puppy, Bean, enjoying a Puppachino SCORE 7

Making a duck happy SCORE 15

Give Dan a cookie SCORE 163

How my brain works. SCORE 10

Backyard bowling alley, with pins resetting via strings SCORE 128

It’s fine… SCORE 16

*attempts but fails* SCORE 12

The Heaviest Man SCORE -5

This is actually real, and it’s a metal: Bismuth. SCORE 11

Children Are Sharp SCORE 13

Love SCORE 10

Spelling Bee Nightmare SCORE 8

Why Diets Never Work SCORE 9

It's Really All About Priorities SCORE 8

When your ex is choking. SCORE 5