How I feel about cupcakes. SCORE -35

How politics work. SCORE 187

Mother of sharks! SCORE 109

Watcha thinkin’bout? SCORE 115

Moms are the best. SCORE 209

Accurate. SCORE 178

You Are Loved SCORE 2

A molotov cocktail before impact. SCORE 103

Scumbag Santa. SCORE 111

Grumpy cat meets a dementor. SCORE 130

She was literally asking for it. SCORE 183

How my dog flirts. SCORE 154

Perspective. SCORE 165

Accurate. SCORE 218

Santa knows me. SCORE 141

Ouch. SCORE 209

Expectations. SCORE 129

In case of fire. SCORE 113

It’s dangerous to go Solo. SCORE 111

Finals week. SCORE 295

Meanwhile, in Australia… SCORE 126

The truth about love. SCORE 101

Whenever I pee in the pool. SCORE 96

My feelings, exactly. SCORE 218

Like a boss. SCORE 210

Life with guests vs. Life without guests. SCORE 161

Born like a boss. SCORE 164

When curiosity backfires. SCORE 243

The Finest Bird Song of 1890. SCORE 46

The progression of desks as you age. SCORE 229

Friends. SCORE 116

Gob Bluth meets Actual Advice Mallard. SCORE 107