the most relatable haiku SCORE 15

doing the lord’s work SCORE 28

hand off hooman! SCORE 13

i could go for a mcflurry SCORE 10

nap time SCORE 20
trash on the inside and outside SCORE 14

behind you! SCORE 13

i feel seen SCORE 33

goodbye my queen SCORE 11

let’s rage SCORE 18

amazing grandfather SCORE 62

bring them back SCORE 35

i just… can’t SCORE 30

rock and roll! SCORE 18

spoiled SCORE 17

adorable jaws theme SCORE 19

hungry SCORE 4

why did you invite me? SCORE 13

puppy love SCORE 22

cats just know somehow SCORE 28

gotta work harder at this SCORE 23

death is imminent SCORE 14

it alternates SCORE 25

time to get the apology ready SCORE 18

please stop SCORE 17

it’s science SCORE 18

they should be proud! SCORE 13

please, mother, may i have some? SCORE 9

don’t let the anger turn into hate SCORE 13

some words just suck SCORE 8

breathe in, breathe out SCORE 15

i can’t recover from this SCORE 10