This is how my 12 year old son decorated a broken Gingerbread man– A creative mind or should we call a psychiatrist? SCORE 61

A kid sharing his umbrella with a deer in public SCORE 113

Nobody ever wants the bottom bunk.. SCORE 78

I attached a blinking light to the robot and did a 10 minutes exposure of it cleaning the living room SCORE 122

How to do parenting SCORE 130

Rare photo of a shark stepping on Lego SCORE 96

Rawr! I’m Fierce! SCORE 61

Sims life hacks SCORE 111

Doing Stupid Things Together SCORE 90

Hamster preaching to his people SCORE 105

The best kind of therapy SCORE 80

Inside Yale’s rare book and manuscript library SCORE 108

Oh, you’re still here? SCORE 112

Roommate got this Christmas gift from her father… All subtlety has gone out the window. SCORE 92

Ugh, too early to deal with her SCORE 85

Ohh, First day of the new year is not going well SCORE 72

An interesting phenomenon SCORE 149

Yu should definitely watch rush hour SCORE 105

Ice cave near Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia SCORE 90

The Real MVPs SCORE 86

No Regrets SCORE 90

I Think I’ve Found My New Favorite Galactic Object. SCORE 56

Essentially werewolves SCORE 141

Swiggity swooty… SCORE 88

Goodbye and good riddance SCORE 63

Cool Ukrainian traffic lights SCORE 138

All I want is a boyfriend like you. Well, what about me? SCORE 75


Happy New Year, children! SCORE 177

Ever Seen A Bonsai Forest? SCORE 129

I just realized… SCORE 113

When your cat trap is super effective. SCORE 85