Ink costs more than human blood. SCORE 130

Not today! SCORE 105

I’m your second choice to play myself?! “No, fifth.” SCORE 7

Puppy burrito. SCORE 7

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie poster. SCORE 2

Look Up. Stay Alive. SCORE -4

Drivin’ In the Snow SCORE 49

Life with guests vs. life without guests. SCORE 119

For science… SCORE 253

That awkward moment when… SCORE 226

Let them eat cake! SCORE 5

Hannibal movie poster. SCORE 43

Does this dress make me look fat? SCORE 61

Help Burn Victims SCORE 2

Then vs. now. SCORE 72

Damn Uterus. SCORE 6

George Lucas on Star Wars. SCORE 154

Don’t Do Your Homework SCORE 55

lifescouts SCORE 3

I need to talk to you. SCORE 10

Sideburns Are Cool SCORE 6

A sloth’s life. SCORE 92

Puppy! SCORE 100

Free books. SCORE 169

Things to release at a wedding ceremony. SCORE 177

Ahhh Wendy’s. SCORE 224

Legal vs. illegal. SCORE 95

And This is Crazy SCORE 70

Silence is suspicious. SCORE 173

Buuuurn! SCORE 194

Water hats. SCORE 124

Does it? SCORE 18