Butterflies SCORE 177

Where dinosaurs with speech impediments live… SCORE 106

You know you're SCORE 13

Harry Potter SCORE 176

Don’t Forget To Believe In Yourself SCORE 3

This Toddler Napping With His Best Friend SCORE 9

Disney Princesses In Star Wars SCORE 4

I Just Need To Keep My Options Open SCORE 9

Meat plane SCORE 114

The Same Way, Basically SCORE 137

Went To The Doctor’s Office And Found This SCORE 164

These Quizzes SCORE 15

He was so pissed and it was beautiful SCORE 12

Awkward elf on the shelf SCORE 13

Shakespearean Bandages SCORE 10

Man Adapts His House For His Old Dog SCORE 192

Animals are so dumb SCORE 173

Niagara falls SCORE 14

Bed head SCORE 9

It's true though SCORE 21

Hansel and Gretel SCORE 120

The Untold ‘Scripted’ Story of Bill Goldberg SCORE 183

Not quite what was planned SCORE 159

Peter Dinklage Just Has One Wish SCORE 132

Ellen is a jerk… SCORE 7

The way to recycle! SCORE 175

What if this is true? SCORE 14

She’s Dealing With It SCORE 154

The Sound Of Love SCORE 172

The dark side has never looked so yummy SCORE 11

Legolas’ Message SCORE 158

Skull Art SCORE 11