Spoilers…. SCORE 37

There has got to be a better way to display children’s clothes SCORE 25

Neal sounds nice. SCORE 44

A medieval scribe doodled some penises on this Latin manuscript from the 1400s. SCORE 26

Go home, ball. SCORE 26


You are a got dam hero SCORE 29

Stone alphabet collection. Gotta catch them all. SCORE 33

Funny money. SCORE 18

me and my alien after we leave area 51 SCORE 26

This robot exists to push the hay closer to the cows. SCORE 29

This restaurant has a discount for being friendly. SCORE 36

Trash! SCORE 37

It’s working so far… SCORE 28

Hot or not SCORE 24

Elizabeth II firing a British L85A1 rifle in 1993 SCORE 30

Boat boy. SCORE 31

Change is good SCORE 36

spiders in the tub SCORE 32

Detox often. SCORE 29

Seems legit SCORE 33

Well, yes, but actually uh huh SCORE 28

Nestle knows best. SCORE 23

*mom intensifies* SCORE 24

I am your grandmother now… SCORE 27


Why you do this? SCORE 13

Well, that sucked. SCORE 31

Bro Bump SCORE 38

This USA Flag landed on Normandy Beach at D-Day, now returned to the USA as a gift from the Netherlands SCORE 30

It’s so crazy, it just might work. SCORE 17

Shine bright like a diamond. SCORE 24