Bacon is a food group. SCORE 51

Pancreatic cancer story SCORE 1

Cats are jerks. SCORE 114

Too late, Emma. SCORE 258

Because, Reasons. SCORE 21

Gerbils get cozy. SCORE 196

Puppy! SCORE 27

For a good cause. SCORE 190

the marvelous adventure times with flapjack and capitan knuckles SCORE 5

Noms. SCORE 158

How an oscillating fan works. SCORE 160

Accurate. SCORE 90

Tequila was a good choice. SCORE 1

How mormons get married SCORE 2

If I was God… SCORE 138

Time. SCORE 174

He shoots. He scores! SCORE 174

Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur SCORE 3

Like a boss. SCORE 490

Finally! SCORE 132

Make way for cat-tank. SCORE 130

I Is Child SCORE 1

If the world were a village of 100 people… SCORE 303

You’re doing it right. SCORE 367

strangely accurate SCORE 10

Facts. SCORE 168

I don’t need to study. SCORE -1

Priorities. SCORE 114

Wisdom. SCORE 265

Spinning the globe. SCORE 113

Friends. SCORE 237

That awkward moment when… SCORE 292