Found this while cleaning through some things SCORE 98

We spoke differently back in the 70s. SCORE 71

Radical kid solves a problem, 1991. SCORE 80

Atheris squamigera, one of the coolest looking animals in the world. SCORE 99

Multiverse Theory SCORE 123

I tried to make a curry once. SCORE 159

But seriously though…. SCORE 45

This could work SCORE 57

It’s Nice To Have A Buddy When You’re Down And Ou SCORE 110

He sees when you’ve been drinking, he knows when you’re .08 SCORE 117

Dog before and after being called a good boy SCORE 104

Memeology SCORE 139


How a portion of the 1,300 people still losing their job must feel. SCORE 75

Temporary art from fallen leaves SCORE 119

Jonah Hill Talks About Meeting Morgan Freeman SCORE 156

How I Pet Every Single Cat… SCORE 85

Reading through the wife’s Christmas wish list. SCORE 18

The mark of a true Pokemon Master. SCORE 84

Graduation Gift from Dad SCORE 115

Ice cream swears SCORE 66

Spiderman Got Game SCORE 97

Alcohol vs. Marijuana SCORE 110

Very bad smell of socks SCORE 68

Welcome to the real world kid. SCORE 137

How to advertise memory cards SCORE 80

The fairy moth, a moth with transparent wings SCORE 83

When your Christmas outfit looks like a Starfleet uniform SCORE 138

I found a neighborhood library on my street. SCORE 62

My respect, sir! SCORE 96

Some kids are just great SCORE 86

What’s The Password? SCORE 102