well this is awkward SCORE 38

he refused to give up SCORE 52

the basket counts as one SCORE 32

grandmas are so thoughtful SCORE 54

she’s a part of the family SCORE 66

few decisions in life are this tough SCORE 29

i’m pretty on the inside SCORE 36

the most jim carrey story of all time SCORE 43

once you pop SCORE 40

a genius solution SCORE 35

i had a good run SCORE 37

and now your plant won’t fake die SCORE 37

the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow SCORE 19

videogame logic SCORE 40

this would save us all a lot of time SCORE 50

lol SCORE 32

i’m going to a different store SCORE 32

some cats just want to watch the world burn SCORE 34

better? SCORE 39

this is my origin story SCORE 32

find your way to the dark side of the force SCORE 12

accidental gold SCORE 49

he absolutely counts SCORE 40

no one will ever know SCORE 20

give it a few days SCORE 36

it’s too late to go back for it SCORE 39

i hope she’s okay SCORE 41

the pandemic has taken its toll on everyone SCORE 28

I might be an alien SCORE 19

she aced the final SCORE 36

bountiful cat harvest SCORE 40

here we go again SCORE 36