Patagonia – Argentina SCORE 162

Learning the difference between a few popular coffee drinks. SCORE 95

Pickup trucks… SCORE 205

Girls vs. boys. SCORE 11

A kitten aboard a floating Victoria water lily pad. SCORE 17

Let’s get crazy! SCORE 156

How did they grow up so fast? SCORE 109

Hey, ref! SCORE 288

Now that I’m fit but still can’t get a date SCORE 154

Everyone 15-25 just looked at this and shook there head… SCORE 13

What goes around, comes around. SCORE 90

Really I didn’t.. SCORE 138

Tony Rydinger everyone. SCORE 18

Worth it. SCORE 307

Back in my day… SCORE 143

Come at me bro! SCORE 118

This is strangely accurate. SCORE 13

David Beckham no longer just a soccer star. SCORE 144

Driftwood Horse SCORE 161


Dirty secrets about flying. SCORE 140

I like his honesty! SCORE 70

Now, those are some good husbands. SCORE 16

This is strangely accurate. SCORE 13

She found her spirit animal. SCORE 128

Puppy love. SCORE 129

Out of control SCORE 194

The innocence is strong with this one… SCORE 16

Real life Elsa. SCORE -3

Hello, ladies. SCORE 174

Driftwood Horse SCORE 160

For the grammar police. SCORE 11