Definitely Not The Brightest SCORE 123

Found on the circuit board of a guitar pedal SCORE 176

Normally I'm the one that actually asks him out for her SCORE 155

So there is a way out! SCORE -5

Who says tumblr isn't educational SCORE 124

Its the only thing to do really SCORE 188

It seems like this conversation could have possibly happened SCORE 133

I learned SCORE 108

The search for intelligent life SCORE 135

Dog thoughts SCORE 10

I’m done. SCORE 15

When I postpone a Windows Live update and it updates anyway SCORE 12

Feel the Bern SCORE 6

They Really Love Boxes SCORE 11

That small line of dirt… SCORE 14

With age follows wisdom SCORE 9

Young Winston Churchill (1895) SCORE 119

Took me way too long SCORE 148

Motivational Quote of the day SCORE 153

Food blogger recipes SCORE 144

Too soon? SCORE -12

Am I the Only One? SCORE 12

Classic Spongedog SCORE 1

When the waiter comes in my direction SCORE 3

Be careful who you call ugly SCORE 113

Lost Virginity. Will give reward if found SCORE 12

Captain Obvious SCORE 132

Stay with me friend SCORE 14

Adulting is rough SCORE 4

Your secret is safe SCORE 3

First picture and selfie SCORE 151

Look at it SCORE 13