No son of mine. SCORE 102

Feeling Alone? SCORE 74

Never forget SCORE 170

This guy’s a phony! SCORE 80

My town’s police department knows how to social media SCORE 228

Printing Sad Keanu In 3d SCORE 49

Horse lungs when inflated SCORE 92

Story of my life SCORE 80

I’m being slowly disassembled. SCORE 105

Futuristic Work Problems SCORE 116

3D Floor SCORE 90

Bowing His Head In Solidarity SCORE 116

Wal-Mart’s Are Fun SCORE 55

I think a weasel is riding a bird SCORE 102

Most accurate Mean Tweet I’ve seen SCORE 125

My weekends SCORE 161

Dropping my new album soon SCORE 88

A magical world in an old, wooden post. SCORE 106

I’d like to solve the puzzle! SCORE 84

Your desperate is showing… SCORE 96

Was a little nervous SCORE 111

Yep, This Is Still Me SCORE 96

This Is Sadly True SCORE 102

8 year old girl found a 1500 year old Viking Sword while swimming in a lake in Sweden SCORE 88

Typical School Meal In Sweden SCORE 114

Scamlock Holmes SCORE 96

Would not make a good bank robber SCORE 126

Bee hacking – a guide to understanding your computer. SCORE 44

Good luck wimp. SCORE 80

Strangling Laptop SCORE 77

This is a cool post SCORE 69

My friend’s shirt. SCORE 119