How to burn your dad’s face off. SCORE 188

How girls think they look… SCORE 209

Be nice to fat people. SCORE 237

Attack of the laser cat! SCORE 103

I can’t sleep. SCORE 159

I do this too. SCORE 184

It’s official. SCORE 260

Just a little art. SCORE 299

Done. SCORE 219

OCD Santa. SCORE 238

Handegg. SCORE 245

Cool space facts. SCORE 220

You are the worst hacker… SCORE 221

Zombies vs. supermodels. SCORE 203

Bad idea. SCORE 165

Likely outcomes of owning a real lightsaber. SCORE 232

You look really dumb. SCORE 184

Cool sparks are cool. SCORE 156

A non-renewable resource! SCORE 293

Yay!!! SCORE 135

Like a boss. SCORE 165

I know that feel bro. SCORE 182

Circle of fail. SCORE 247

Silly cat. SCORE 209

Problems with the friend zone. SCORE 107

Truth. SCORE 198

Let’s celebrate. SCORE 180

The Facebook dichotomy. SCORE 172

Why does bacon taste so good? SCORE 220

So hardcore. SCORE 180

Universal Cereal Bus. SCORE 204

I have a math test tomorrow… SCORE 250