Bring me Solo. SCORE 160

I am free? SCORE 156

Beware of Limbo Dancers! SCORE 142

The juggling drummer. SCORE 216

Bacon. SCORE 214

Sorry Pacman… SCORE 170

I want cookie. SCORE 129

Hearing aids. SCORE 277

I know kung fu. SCORE 148

I hate humans. SCORE 162

Har har har. SCORE 225

A cat’s life. SCORE 106

Perspective. SCORE 183

Vincent Van Gogh to Disneyland. SCORE 98

Bill Gates is a ninja. SCORE 197

Moustacha. SCORE 154

Get in one little fight. SCORE 261

Report back. SCORE 221

Remember you’re not alone. SCORE 220

Deep thoughts. SCORE 281

This is why high heels hurt your feet. SCORE 289

Occupy Mordor. SCORE 134

The effects of global warming. SCORE 270

Difficult to say when drunk: SCORE 177

Mhm. SCORE 167

Meanwhile in America… SCORE 142

I think it’s an E. SCORE 231

Do want. SCORE 193

Royal-tea. SCORE 201

A well balanced diet. SCORE 241

Breaking news: HOVER BOARDS! SCORE 202

Every day I’m snufflin’. SCORE 209