Mwah hah hah hah! SCORE 15

My personal space SCORE 256

Those are some white teeth! SCORE 269

Carpet for 5 please. SCORE 203

Orphaned Baby Eastern Quoll being cared for at Bruny Island. SCORE 238

Zinggggg! SCORE 225

My friend thinks he’s so smart SCORE 163

Abort! SCORE 181

Well that was unexpected! SCORE 155

Animals with their young SCORE 257

IKEA furniture… SCORE 185

Ain’t dat the truth. SCORE 6

How many tickles does it take to make a squid laugh? SCORE 209

I don’t even know… SCORE -6

All the things pumpkin! SCORE 185

I am the danger SCORE 12

Brilliant pretend free kick routine SCORE 265

Every time. SCORE 179

Just walking my pet bear SCORE 10

Proof that babies are stupid SCORE -14

men SCORE 411

AOL runs a tight ship. SCORE 350

I knew It! SCORE 15

2700 skewers later… the universal knife block SCORE 16

I love the internet. SCORE 260

putting on tights almost always SCORE 16

And for my next trick… SCORE 197

Every girl’s dream… SCORE 8

Public service announcement for this Halloween SCORE 229

How to merica’ SCORE 7

My life in a nutshell SCORE 231

Hipster Sherlock SCORE 22