Glorious… SCORE 120

Happy cows returning to the pasture after a long winter in the cow shed SCORE 183

Friends forever SCORE 135


When Ur Water Is Too Spicy… SCORE 77

Just checking if my dog is still alive in his blanket pile. Confirmed. SCORE 130

Daughter teaches dad how to take selfies, this is what happens SCORE 234

Ben’s timing could be a little better. SCORE 123

Scary hamster SCORE 84

When I Was Hired By Apple In Early 2004 SCORE 115

Programmable Bike Lights SCORE 99

What really happens when women start lifting… SCORE 81

Tutant SCORE 101

Dogs are not allowed!!!! SCORE 104

Always tipsy and super generous with her money SCORE 119

George W. Bush really hit the nail on the head SCORE 215

Woah SCORE 192

Venus Fly Santa SCORE 117

No, this is how you make a chessboard SCORE 104

Grandma tried to record the halftime show. SCORE 107

Stop being afraid SCORE 203

When your joke ruins a conversation, but you amused yourself. SCORE 84

Rip Mr. Lahey. The shitclock’s tickin’ for all of us, boys SCORE 88

Can I Use Your Phone To Call My Mom.. SCORE 65

Matthew McConaughey’s power stance with University of Texas basketball team is about as Texas as it gets SCORE 91

A single line SCORE 86

He Locked Himself In While His Mother Unloaded… SCORE 117

Oh deer. SCORE 147

Elmo teaches Ricky Gervais a lesson SCORE 121

My cat was not too happy about the veterinary visit yesterday. SCORE 58

So chill SCORE 103

welcome to the good life SCORE 70