the best boyfriend SCORE 32

meditation retreat SCORE 18

no one would fake this SCORE 28

it’s alive! SCORE 15

teenage mutant ninja loafers SCORE 21

british museum uniform SCORE 21

weird girls SCORE 24

depressed reasons SCORE 20

essential oils SCORE 21

angry cat SCORE 47

fairy tales SCORE 37

nap roulette SCORE 22

is this trauma SCORE 24

my brain on tasks SCORE 11

Classic simpsons SCORE 26

rocktopus SCORE 8

precious metals SCORE 13

good at mental health SCORE 38

lemon zesty SCORE 16

hell brother SCORE 9

emotional honesty isn’t my specialty SCORE 18

sleeping problems SCORE 35

then suddenly, a snail SCORE 21

most improved doctor SCORE 22

the six dwarves SCORE 39

return to dee SCORE 33

doing stuff is hard SCORE 27

airport security question SCORE 15

parentagram SCORE 32

fogged window SCORE 18

spy flower SCORE 14

the size of a small boulder SCORE 22