tiger knee position SCORE 8

pretty sure its earth SCORE 32

superheroes choose their environments SCORE 30

extra crust SCORE 27

gestures vaguely SCORE 26

scrub a dub dub SCORE 10

a visual guide SCORE 29

i have the high ground SCORE 27

my meows are lies SCORE 15

how extinction works SCORE 19

yep, still hurts SCORE 28

we are not compatible SCORE 15

tongue twister SCORE 18

i’m gonna be a millionaire SCORE 20

google earth cat SCORE 25

whose lane is it anyway? SCORE 22

borcester shot SCORE 26

a promise to myself SCORE 14

a long time ago SCORE 24

clever girl SCORE 37

plus a secret third way SCORE 30

what’s your first wish? SCORE 25

the pope SCORE 15

sk8tr rooster SCORE 17

the world is gonna roll me SCORE 31

feline spies SCORE 7

save the baby SCORE 9

so relaxing SCORE 29

kitty karen SCORE 16

that’s my boy SCORE 16

tell me why SCORE 13

bring me home SCORE 15