Fried Cinnamon Apple Rings SCORE 170

When I get caught staring at a hot person. SCORE 139

Cat vs. plastic bag. SCORE 10

Bad Mood SCORE 204

Oxygen was discovered in 1783. SCORE 132

Pug goes bananas in his first ball pit. SCORE 144

We did a thing! SCORE 258

What would you do if you were attacked by an invisible bear? SCORE 3

Love me or “leaf” me SCORE 116

puppy wouldn’t sit still for picture, I’m not even mad. SCORE 184

Making friends at the zoo. SCORE 213

The Great Porn Experiment SCORE 16

Instincts. SCORE 161

My manager at the grocery store I work at was wearing this today. SCORE 15

My cookies created a paradox… SCORE 195

Mongoose has no fear! SCORE 187

The new bait for kids. SCORE 16

I can’t stop watching this… SCORE 135

Interviewing a congressman. SCORE 18

Ricky Gervais on the Apple Watch. SCORE 164

That’s how I would use black magic SCORE 137

Puppy love. SCORE 169

When school’s out. SCORE 91

Girls on instagram vs Real life SCORE 132

It’s tough to be Kim Jung Un. SCORE 18

So.. No to spooning too? SCORE 19

totally me. SCORE 121

Excellent tips by Warren Buffet. SCORE 146

Rose is a bitch SCORE 15

Poker face. SCORE 128

Optimus. SCORE 143

Don’t do it! SCORE 177