how would you describe physics? SCORE 20

i think we all know how this story ends SCORE 12

gonna be honest, not a big fan of black mirror season 6 SCORE 37

microdosing vacation SCORE 20

the entire room will feel my hunger SCORE 14

when you fall i love, you can’t deny your feelings SCORE 22

the pandemic must have been hard on vampires nationwide SCORE 29

crystal healing for beginners SCORE 27

i, for one, look forward to the coming rule of our feline overlords SCORE 27

the power of makeup SCORE 25

variety is the spice of life SCORE 32

youtube frog translation SCORE 25

*gets on one knee* will you avoid me for the rest of your life? SCORE 19

a cat counts as a baby to some people SCORE 22

calculated mediocrity SCORE 33

a genius hack to keep your apartment clean SCORE 30
and they do everytime SCORE -10

what am i? SCORE 19

i need all of these movies to be made immediately SCORE 32

never feel guilty about watching tv shows you like SCORE 19

you’ve never seen rats as insane as these! SCORE 24

potatoes are the best vegetable. i will not be taking questions about this SCORE 15

never question the power of essential oils… SCORE 12

are you frying my rice right now? SCORE 43

wedding minus 1 SCORE 10

dobby chic SCORE 25

tell him about your cat’s horoscope SCORE 21

he was indeed the famed dragon whisperer SCORE 19

the most inspirational poem SCORE 27

is this not how we’re supposed to watch netflix? SCORE 14

undefeated at being the worst SCORE 16

there be skeletons in her coset SCORE 4