But why? SCORE 91

What a shot SCORE 175

Thank you and goodbye. SCORE 92

How wholesome new traditions are born SCORE 201

……..Aaaaaand this is how I got my creamer to stop dissipating at work. SCORE 88

Europe v America: The Spookening SCORE 199

Dying on stage SCORE 122

Take my money. SCORE 106

No lie. SCORE 81

AKA I don’t really want to be here. SCORE 54

I approve. SCORE 115

Latest Jupiter photos are incredible SCORE 118

Enough internet for today. SCORE 76

Eleven (Stranger Things) Cosplay SCORE 86

Chewing gum and kicking ass SCORE 94

Now you’re testing my patience SCORE 92

What is gif SCORE 123

Proper way to get wasted. SCORE 100

17, ma’am SCORE 109

Ken M on kissing advertisements SCORE 98

Sniffing coke, WCGW? SCORE 56

Dreaming of Ramen.. SCORE 109

He deserves to be PUNished SCORE 105

Vino, the Guide Dog I raised and trained. SCORE 90

Using a single piece of string to securely carry a clay pot SCORE 187

Spaghet meme spotted on Facebook! SELL SELL SELL! SCORE 29

Explain this right this instant SCORE 57

One eyed Snow Leopard SCORE 101

President Winfrey’s first day in the situation room SCORE 30

We Love To Be Represented SCORE 120

Is this still funny? SCORE 80

Improvised Weaponry SCORE 91