it was all downhill after SCORE 43
great scott! SCORE 28
very thoughtful! SCORE 66
always the same alley SCORE 54
motherly ego check SCORE 58
Mickey Mouse: PI SCORE 33
burned 3,000 calories SCORE 23
sheer force of anger alone SCORE 43
world’s best knot tyer SCORE 68
it applies to real life, too SCORE 60
i support this rage SCORE 55
they love her so much SCORE 87
so the post was actually about penguins! SCORE 45
he screams for me SCORE 26
communicate and be able to admit when you’re wrong SCORE 60
he’s fabulous SCORE 47
classic SCORE 28
his name was edward nygma SCORE 20
amen SCORE 22
right there with ya, buddy SCORE 48
let’s send a werewolf to the moon! SCORE 58
hot take – star wars are kids movies, so watch them like you’re 12 SCORE 37
attack of the clones SCORE 54
i’ll’ll pay him whatever he wants SCORE 33
shrek SCORE 21
halloween ideas! SCORE 40
maybe some ice cream SCORE 38
good boi on the case! SCORE 35
a hug with the devil SCORE 45
victory donuts SCORE 25
timeline cleanse SCORE 71
stu looks so sad… SCORE 26