Nick Offerman dropping think bombs SCORE 186

Poor on inequality vs. Rich on inequality SCORE 275

Canadian mailbox. SCORE 136

Mixing oil and water. SCORE 8

Charlize Theron is African American. SCORE 18

Clueless moms. SCORE 13

17 of the funniest lies parents told their kids SCORE 12

Me vs. my brain. SCORE 194

Emma Watson on equality. SCORE 222

That ought to work… SCORE 17

Vin Unleaded SCORE 12

For maximum pain SCORE 12

Peter Pan. SCORE 13

Meh, still counts SCORE 8

That’s not how you eat it! SCORE 7

Swirl Faucet SCORE 191

‘Murica. SCORE 5

Whenever I go to Lowe’s. SCORE 117

Whenever I get low on money. SCORE 170

Tiny brontosauruses SCORE 221

I will do a lot of things… SCORE 170

Choices, choices… SCORE 4

Modern day parenting. SCORE 5

I would need some popcorn. SCORE 15

Christmas is coming. SCORE 1

Jonah Hill meeting Morgan Freeman SCORE 278

Present and Future Macklemore SCORE 5

Un-motivational posters for introverts. SCORE 11

Snapple’s getting pretty deep SCORE 142

Mondays aren’t so bad… SCORE 11

Crying on the inside. SCORE 14

awww yiss SCORE 8