When I lose weight and my clothes start fitting again. SCORE 125

I think he is ready to be a Dad. SCORE 199

How to tell how old an egg is. SCORE 133

whatta KICK!!! SCORE 17

At least that is what I tell myself… SCORE 124

Dad, stop. SCORE 107

Mom keeps me warm. SCORE 145

Coffee is life SCORE 110

Suit styles ten years apart SCORE 159

When history isn’t boring any longer. SCORE 200

Deal with it. SCORE 117

How to care for introverts. SCORE 128

Gecko foot SCORE 135

High school students touring a college SCORE 270

Yes. yes you are. SCORE 173

This is how i die SCORE 269

How to make fried ice cream. SCORE 7

When I see a spider. SCORE 135

Underwater Gun shot.. SCORE 119

That moment when Fairly Odd Parents drops some spot on advice SCORE 184

My internet speed. SCORE 24

Don’t trust a knight in shining armor. SCORE 156

A flying ship. SCORE 12

Measuring patience. SCORE 19

No Capes! SCORE 188

Take the photo already! SCORE 18

Men with flower beards. SCORE 148

America according to every European. SCORE 17

When flipped they become different animals. SCORE 209

How to tell how old an egg is. SCORE 134

Homer logic. SCORE 151

Best childhood memory SCORE 16