Found a lost kitty on a hike this afternoon with no collar. Too bad the wife wouldn’t let me take it home… SCORE 92
Acting level – Expert SCORE 142
When I See A Hot Girl SCORE 85
Ah.. thats cool then SCORE 109
Oh no! Me gold! SCORE 82
This kid plans SCORE 227
Danger approaching fast! SCORE 182
Ordering dinner SCORE 62
Hockey presenter draws penis live on TV SCORE 111
Making the best. SCORE 122
I support this SCORE 130
The Colors of Colombia SCORE 130
I’m Sure Most Students Have Felt This SCORE 148
What is Hollister’s take on this? SCORE 87
This is what the skull of a pug looks like SCORE 45
Twilight without Bella. SCORE 129
Human for scale SCORE 65
Ballin On’a Budget SCORE 102
Buzzfeed on being an intellectual SCORE 87
Twins married twins and had twins SCORE 169
Real brand slogans SCORE 73
My dog’s white stripe lines up perfectly with the water’s edge SCORE 121
me irl SCORE 84
How to read this book. SCORE 122
Superhero Origins as IKEA Manuals SCORE 34
What 58 years of development looks like SCORE 151
Americans in Asia be Like SCORE 76
St. Patrick’s Day on Sesame Street. SCORE 186
Nice try tree… SCORE 142
lil chubby penguin boy SCORE 93
God Dammit SCORE 157