Theory and Practice SCORE 215

time travel SCORE 0

Scumbag speed limits SCORE 13

The Krang-o-lantern. SCORE 128

dark side of peeps SCORE 1

It only took 20 years. SCORE 146

At Least You Were Warned SCORE 9

A balanced diet. SCORE 151

See you tomorrow! SCORE 170

NickelBlock. SCORE 62

How to discreetly compliment someone. SCORE 179

5% Complete SCORE 156

Magicarp vs Metapod SCORE 4

Meanwhile in Canada. SCORE 178

The guide to trading Halloween candy. SCORE 95

Everything is better with bacon! SCORE 57

Cats are jerks. SCORE 78

First world problems. SCORE 181

Purple SCORE 0

The original hipster. SCORE 138

Rock, Paper, Scissors SCORE 4

Happy Halloween! SCORE 1

Ham and cheese or peanut butter? SCORE 10

First world problems. SCORE 156

Science Quits SCORE 11

Man’s best friend. SCORE 204

Scumbag New York. SCORE 207

Welcome to the sad-sack club. SCORE 125

In an alternate universe. SCORE 98

Whatever floats your goat SCORE 8

New Jersey beaches. SCORE 138

In Mouth Now SCORE 165