okay but this is kind of brilliant SCORE 17
wholesome seals to help lift the monday blues SCORE 26
writing is dangerous SCORE 29
cute cat and her pumpkin SCORE 42
would love to buy it one day though SCORE 20
we still have time to get ready SCORE 18
show me the jerrygirls! SCORE 21
free eggs SCORE 30
clever uncle SCORE 31
just gonna let this one go SCORE 26
41 years apart SCORE 28
easy mistake to make and now your hands smell delicious SCORE 16
dr hedgehog SCORE 18
this is accurate SCORE 17
i’m all ears SCORE 48
i’m just gonna stay inside today SCORE 20
danger danger danger! SCORE 28
relaxed cat SCORE 35
owls being lazy SCORE 24
i promise he doesn’t bite SCORE 19
i always thought he looked like a cartoon villain SCORE 25
i need it to hurt just right SCORE 24
someone else please take it SCORE 22
the great escape SCORE 23
socially awkward meme SCORE 23
video games are becoming more like the real world everyday SCORE 23
so close he can taste it SCORE 25
watch for this guy! SCORE 18
i can explain! SCORE 18
kid was probably stoked to accept an award looking like a pirate SCORE 36
i’m happy by myself SCORE 19
this is definitely the guy you have to worry about SCORE 13