Wendy’s should pass out aloe instead of dipping sauces. SCORE 22
Wormhole… SCORE 19
Prehistoric Whale Bones found in Egyptian Desert SCORE 35
The old men and the sea SCORE 32
Priest logic… SCORE 17
IE will never die baby SCORE 15
I’ve seen the HBO series, thanks… SCORE 25
wow! what a deal SCORE 17
Close enough! SCORE 29
He hasn’t responded… SCORE 18
Doesn’t have the same ring to it… SCORE 16
Thanks, I hate it. SCORE 26
Loose my number! SCORE 33
Not my President… SCORE 19
Well, it’s for fingerprints… SCORE 17
The goodest Gordon Ramsay SCORE 28
iTs mEnTaL hEaLtH SCORE 24
2nd times the charm… SCORE 28
555… SCORE 15
shut up nerd SCORE 30
Now that’s what I call Thick 2020! SCORE 26
Gotta get ready before school starts SCORE 14
Do not witness my face… SCORE 15
Honestly though… SCORE 37
Family portrait SCORE 33
Adopted a shelter cat! I think he’s warming up to us. SCORE 22
89-Year-Old Woman Has Knitted 450 Blankets For Shelter Dogs SCORE 33
Can’t imagine anything better, truely… SCORE 34
Octopi are hardcore. SCORE 28
No take backs… SCORE 36
This is how kids shows are made… SCORE 25