Plot twist! SCORE 11

When a package arrives. SCORE 16

All right gentlemen, we need a new design for the bus seat covers! SCORE 189

Europe and Canada are like… SCORE 2

A Whim Away SCORE 18

Unlucky iPhone 6 advertisement. SCORE 143

Red and Green. SCORE 148

it’s a conspiracy. SCORE 21

This quote will go down in history SCORE 216

I’ll be watching you. SCORE 16

Sign on the Women’s bathroom… SCORE 10

Tree Appreciation SCORE 139

Ping Pong and Decimation SCORE -1

Cookies for Santa SCORE 11

Chocolate life savers (c7h8n4o2) I need a social life… SCORE 10

iPhone 6 razr. SCORE 0

tumblr 2010 vs. 2014 SCORE 21

Not sure if tip jar… SCORE 16

Chambord castle stairway, France SCORE 171

Oh snap. SCORE 166

You get me. SCORE 172

Good advice. SCORE 155

Words SCORE 11

Edgar Allan Pokemon SCORE 21

Legs in the air. SCORE 138

Hipster scarf, level 100. SCORE 137

Declare war on all Voc@loids Asane Bou Cover SCORE -2

How rats climb up toilets SCORE 0

As Seen On Tumblr SCORE 7

Taco Belle SCORE 19

Painting you nails SCORE 165

Crop yield was unexpectedly low this season. SCORE 95