When a bird likes you. SCORE 180

I do this too often tbh SCORE 147

Family Feud. Lather, rinse, repeat. SCORE 172

Crazy cat lady for lyfeeeeee SCORE 6

Funny Google Tricks SCORE 10

The same street, 71 years ago. SCORE 9

He learned a valuable albiet silky-smooth lesson SCORE 218

Magnificent Climbing Wall SCORE 136

Sounds about right SCORE 141

Do it. SCORE 3

The future has arrived SCORE 116

Some Of The Best Book Dedications Ever SCORE 140

The Fancy Black Pearl SCORE 12

Sweet moves guys SCORE -14

Simple Diagram Of A Corgi SCORE 2

It just can't happen SCORE 9

When You Finally Catch Up SCORE 155

S’Moreos SCORE 9

Drunk stories SCORE 191

This made my day SCORE 163

Pharmacy life SCORE 11

He Looks So Peaceful SCORE 132

Adele concerts SCORE 16

That Moment When You Get Cat Attacked SCORE 14

Isn't she the luckiest person alive? SCORE 147

Toothless Cupcakes SCORE 127

Perfect Dinosaur Cookies SCORE 12

The Most Colorful Snake In The World: California Red Sided Garter Snake SCORE 15

The Meaning Of Karma SCORE 4

This Employee Deserves A Raise SCORE 119

Best political sign yet! SCORE 192

Confessions of a shopaholic SCORE 6